Gobind Sarvar Scholarships
Gobind Sarvar School, in partnership with the wider Gobind Sarvar family, awarded four scholarships to the inaugural Grade 12 graduating class of 2024. The scholarships were offered following the submission of applications, including essays and other required documents. The successful candidates were announced in late July 2024.

Bhai Kanhayia Ji Scholarship (Seva) - Jasleen Kaur
Bhai Kanhayia Ji was the epitome of selfless service and served all humanity regardless of nationality, caste or creed. He is well known for his service as a water carrier providing water and aid to all in various battles including the opposing enemy force to which he provided aid as he only saw all of humanity as one.
Jasleen Kaur demonstrated an understanding that the essence of Seva is not only at Darbar Sahib, but in our homes, in our workplaces and it is interwoven in our daily lives. This scholarship is presented by the Randhawa family.
Mata Gujri Ji Scholarship (Academic Excellence) - Tirath Kaur Johal
Mata Gujri Ji is most commonly remembered as the grandmother of the Chaar Sahibzaade. Mata Gujri Ji is the epitome of strength and resilience.
Tirath Kaur has demonstrated academic excellence and has overcome adverse challenges, all while exhibiting humility and kindness. Her selflessness during all the challenges she has faced and overcome has been admirable and impactful to students and teachers of Gobind Sarvar. This scholarship is presented by the Sivia family.

Mata Bhag Kaur Ji Scholarship (Overall Excellence) - Amber Kaur Takhar
Mata Bhaag Kaur Ji, also known as Mai Bhaago, demonstrated courage and fearless leadership excellence in leading a Jatha of 40 Sikhs into the Battle of Mukatsar despite facing a larger opposing force.
Amber Kaur has demonstrated overall excellence in both academic and non-academic areas, through her relentless ambition and dedication to all she puts her focus to. She has embraced her role as a leader in countless endeavors and has proven that with courage and determination, anything is possible.
This scholarship is presented by the Sivia family.
Youth on Gobind Marg Scholarship (Leadership) - Simran Kaur Nagra
The Gobind Sarvar Gurmat school is entirely volunteer run since its inception in 2005 and is known as the largest evening school Gurmat School program in Canada with volunteers contributing hundreds of hours of their time each year in service to the future generations. Gobind Sarvar Gurmat School has transformed the lives of students with the assistance of selfless volunteers who are guiding future generations of learners in becoming tomorrow’s leaders.
Simran Kaur is a beautiful example of Today's Learners...Tomorrow's Guide, as she is a former student of Gobind Sarvar Gurmat School who has volunteered her time as a kirtan teacher in the evening in the last few years. She has pushed herself out of her comfort zone in numerous Sevas and always approaches opportunities to help with enthusiasm. This scholarship is presented by Gurmat School sevadars.